CPR / AED Training
We offer CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) classes for the public on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Fire Station 1 – 7580 Spanish Fort Blvd.
You may pre-register and the class begins at 08:30.
We offer:
CPR with AED – Heartsaver
CPR with AED – Healthcare Provider
CPR with AED and First Responder
Need CPR training for your employees or small group? Call us to see how we can help, 626-8876 or use our Online Form
Yellow Dot Program
The “Yellow Dot” program is the first program of its kind in the state of Alabama. It is designed to assist Alabama citizens and first responders in the event of an automobile crash or other medical emergency involving the participant’s vehicle. The program can help save lives during the critical “golden hour” by improving communication at a time when accident victims may be unable to communicate for themselves. You can enroll at Fire Station 1, Monday through Friday between 08:00am and 4:00pm; the process takes about 10 minutes.